Staff Members
Vision Itinerant / Orientation & Mobility Services

Vision services are provided to students who meet the eligibility criteria for visual impairment and demonstrate an adverse effect on his/her educational performance. Ocular information is the starting point of the process. A functional vision assessment includes a review of the ocular information, observation, and consultation with the educational team. An assessment is then completed. If a student is found eligible, the student’s needs are addressed through direct service and/or consultation service. A certified teacher of the visually impaired provides training and collaborative support to the educational team. Specific areas of instruction may include, but are not limited to: braille reading and writing, large print materials, instruction in assistive technology for the visually impaired, compensatory strategies, daily living skills, and low vision devices.

If necessary, a student with a visual impairment may receive Orientation & Mobility as a related service if he/she meets the criteria.

Illinois State Board of Education Special Education Services Department Resource Remote Learning for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind

Orientation & Mobility

Contractual services with a certified O & M Specialist (COMS) Kara Hecht, Hecht Moblity. LLC.

What is Orientation and Mobility?

Orientation and mobility is that part of a blind and visually impaired child's education that prepares him/her for more independent travel.


Who is qualified to complete vision and hearing screenings? Here is the school code

Mandated screening services must be provided by vision and hearing screening technicians trained and certified by the Department.  Candidates must meet the prerequisite requirements in order to apply and be considered for training.  In order to become certified, eligible candidates are required to attend and pass hearing and vision training courses conducted by the Department and pay the applicable fees.  Certificates are valid for a period of three years and must be renewed by complying with recertification requirements and paying the applicable fee.**

If you are interested in having a staff member in your school district trained to provide vision and hearing screenings, administrators may contact the Illinois Department of Public Health at 217-524-2396 for more information OR

District Administrators can submit a request for training by email to

Include Your Name, title, phone number, # of schools in your district, # of currently certified screeners, and any significant changes to your district screeners ( ex: we had 2 and they retired etc) .

The request will go for review and someone will contact you back with info and a training session the individual can join !