Assistive Technology
- UDL Instructional Resources & Danielson Crosswalk
- Infinitec AT Guides by Subject
- TCSE AT Guide for Reading and Writing
- UDL Universal Design Learning Framework
- TCSE AT Guide for Transition Planning
- Family Guide to AT and Transition
- Considering & Documenting AT in the IEP Video Tutorial
- Illinois Assitive Technology Guidance Manual 2020
- FAQ Illinois Assistive Technology Guidance Manual
- Assistive Technology in Schools Booklet
- AT4IL.ORG INFINITEC Illinois Schools Assistive Technology Support
- PAR -Protocol for Accommodations in Reading
- SETT Framework for AT Decision Making
- STUDENT TUTORIAL: Reading & Writing Support in Google Chrome!
- Center on Technology and Disability WEBINARS
- IATP- Il Assistive Technology Program
Assistive Technology
Infinitec Assistive Technology
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, P.L. 101-476) addresses assistive technology in the following areas:
- Reading
- Math
- Mobility
- Seating/Positioning
- Written Composition
- Fine Motor/Gross Motor
- Vision
- Hearing
- ADL/Leisure
- Communication
- Organization & Studying
Websites to Support UDL
TTAC The Technical Assistance Center Wolframalpha Khan Academy Scholastic PBS Teacher Line Bright Hub Edutopia Reading Rockets Intervention Central Between The Lions Early Reading Storynory Tumble Books Epic Gifs Great for ELS learners Tween Tribune Gutenberg
RESOURCES TO SUPPORT COMPREHENSION Shmoop 60 second Recap Spark Notes Hippocampus Generation Genius PBS Learning Media Google Earth Google Lit Trips WRITING/GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers ( drawings.html) Mindup Piclits ALTERNATIVES TO TRADITIONAL PAPER AND PENCIL Book creator Story Board Little Story Creator Flipgrid 1st – 7th grades SeeSaw MATH Math Learning Center 2nd – 5th grades KAHN ACADEMY MATH PhotoMath INTERACTIVES Math Nook ABCYA Math Playground Greg Tang Math
UDL - Universal Design Learning