TCSE Executive Board Members

Dr. Andrea Evers, Chairperson

Dr. Paige Maginel, Vice-Chairperson

Dr. Lori James-Gross, Board Secretary

Supr. Daniel Booth*

Supr. Kevin Westall*

Supr. Janice Pavlonis

Dr. Kristopher Mason*

Supr. Andrew Dagner

Supr. Brian Pasero

All TCSE Executive Board Members have completed the OMA training mandated by ISBE

* = Finance Committee Member


Per recent changes to Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681), TCSE has implemented a formal process for reporting, investigation, and resolution pertaining to any complaint filed and found to fall under the scope of Title IX. TCSE Title IX Coordinator is Director Zeppelyn Brewer:


ANTI-BULLYING: Pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/27-23.7, the TCSE School Board Policies address that a safe and civil school environment is necessary for students to learn and achieve, and that bullying causes physical, psychological, and emotional harm to our students and interferes with the students’ ability to learn and participate in school activities. These policies may be found in detail by clicking above on the TCSE Board Policies and Procedures Manual and/or TCSE Student-Parent Handbook: 7.20 Students-Harassment of Students Prohibited 7.180 Students-Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

ANTI-BIAS: ANTI-BIAS EDUCATION POLICIES Pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/27-23.6, the TCSE School Board Policies address Inter-Group Conflict (Anti-Bias). These detailed policies may be found by clicking on the TCSE Board Policies and Procedures Manual: 6.70 Instruction-Teaching About Religions 6.80 Instruction-Teaching About Controversial Issues 7.10 Students-Equal Education Opportunities 7.20 Students-Harassment of Students Prohibited 7.180 Students-Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

FOIA- Freedom of Information Act Data

Full access to TCSE Joint Agreement public records is available to any person, as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and Board Policy. The Director shall serve as TCSE’s Freedom of Information Officer; however, he/she may delegate these duties and powers to one or more designees. A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing (a form may be requested from the Officer) and shall be submitted by personal delivery, email, fax or mail directed to the Officer. Within 5 days after the receipt of a request for access to public record, the Officer shall comply with or deny the request, unless the time for response is extended as specified in Section 3 of the FOIA. Persons making requests for copies of public records shall pay an applicable copying fee. No fee shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies. TCSE Freedom of Information Officer may be contacted at: 805 N. 16th St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 Phone (618) 684-2109 Fax (618) 708-3403